Make Own Podium in Your Interior

     Nowadays, multi-level floors or multi-level ceilings in modern design are no surprise. Sometimes the podium can be not only beautiful, but also practical. Project is often performs by a specialist, considering the possibility of planning and, as a furniture will be placed. It is important to approach this issue in a responsible and rational view of things, or you can disrupt the ergonomics of the entire room. Here, the most important tips by FIX PLUS MAINTENANCE.

Proportionality of a podium

     Podium's proportionality in any case can not be done in rooms with low ceilings. When the floor-to-ceiling windows have so little distance, the additional step will only aggravate the situation and reduce the space even more, there will be a feeling in the room of tightness and depression. Don't forget about ergonomics: the proportions of the room should match the proportions of the podium. If your house or apartment has high ceilings, the statement of a placement of the podium in the room would be a good idea is questionable. The ideal height of the podium is 10-15 cm. Suddenly if you want to make your podium a bit above, it is necessary to equip it with additional steps.

Placing podium in a kitchen

     Big kitchen needs to be done in a studio apartments. So there is a straightforward way to a kind of zoning between itself and the rest of the kitchen facilities. This podium more convenient because it can be finished with a variety of floor coverings: whether laminate or tile. This coating does not violate the integrity of the design, but also when you clean it up it will greatly facilitate the process.

Podium in a living room

Podium in a living room

     Making a podium in the living room, from the designer point of  view, is one of the most successful solutions. In the area where situated the most welcome guests, the area which is usually equipped with upholstered furniture and a table, a podium will be located perfectly. Acceptable height of this design is an exemplary height of the back of the sofa. If the podium is positioned correctly, it will be cozy and comfortable nest for you and your friends. This structure is often advised to do when the dining room is combined with the living room.